Microsoft Sharepoint User Analytics

How the Sharepoint User Experience is Now Made Easy

As the challenge simplify the encounter with Office 365 admin persists, many new features and benefits are now available on the SharePoint Online admin center. For those administrators who aren’t SharePoint management gurus, the objective is to enable them to operate the service more smoothly while continuing accessibility to the more popular controls.

Due in large part to new features in Office 365 and SharePoint Online, administrators are now able to select either a Simple or Advanced SharePoint Online admin user experience.  

Users can also manage which Office 365 top navigation items the users can view. Users can also now prevent Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) SharePoint 2013 workflows from being utilized from the user’s environment. These features offer an easier Sharepoint experience.

Sharepoint User Experience

One example is that users can now select either a Simple or Advanced SharePoint Online admin interface.

A universal client challenge in cloud computing can be as simple as the process of getting started. Several new tools enable the user to get started in an easy fashion. If administrators select a more phased approach (taking various SharePoint workloads chronologically) the user will enjoy viewing the necessary items at a given time. To enable these types of situations, SharePoint Online offers administrators the luxury of selecting either ‘Use Simple’ and ‘Use Advanced’ to effectively navigate the admin interface to the user’s present usage.

A simple admin center experience shows the important options exclusively and is utilized in the most popular situations such as site collection management, Information Rights Management, and the main settings with the goal of sharing externally, user profile management, as well as many other features. When in simple mode, the remaining admin control tabs are invisible. If the user opts for the advanced admin center experience, all ‘SharePoint Online’ management capabilities will become accessible to the user. These features include; business Connectivity Services (BCS), the Secure Store, the Term Store, as well as to site collections, settings, and user profiles.

Now administrators can choose what is seen by the user which in essence simplifies the overall admin experience.

Sources :

– Sharepoint Usage information available to learn more